Almathera Ten Pack 2: CDPD 1
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 2: CDPD 1.iso
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Assembly Source File
444 lines
* How to to long multiplication with a sixteen bit multiply:
* - Handle special cases
* - Guaranteed < 32 bits (two shorts)
* - Guaranteed overflow (both > 16 bits)
* - Perform as if with sixteen bit "digits":
* u1 l1 H(X) = High word of X
* x u2 l2 L(X) = Low word of X
* ---------------------
* L(l2 * u1) L(l2 * l1)
* H(l2 * l1) (carry the 2^16's place)
* L(u2 * l1)
* H(u2 * l1) (carry the 2^32's place)
* --------------------------------
* If the third column is greater than zero, or the total of the second column
* is greater than 2^16, then there is an overflow condition.
* *
* .lmuls long signed multiply *
* *
* multiplies two long operands on the stack and returns the *
* result on the stack, along with the second operand. *
* *
XDEF .lmuls
link A6,#0 ; Link the current frame
movem.l D0-D4,-(A7) ; Save the registers
tst.w 8(A6) ; Test the high word for zero
bne Lmul1 ; do a full multiply
tst.w 12(A6) ; Test the high word for zero
bne Lmul1 ; do a full multiply
move.w 10(A6),D0 ; Move the first word
mulu 14(A6),D0 ; Do a half multiply
move.l D0,8(A6) ; Replace the answer on the stack
movem.l (A7)+,D0-D4 ; Restore the registers
unlk A6
rts ; Return answer in D0
move.l #1,D4 ; Load the sign of the answer
move.l 8(A6),D2 ; Load the first argument into D2
bge Lmul2
neg.l D2 ; Make first argument positive
neg.l D4 ; Adjust the sign of the result
move.l 12(A6),D3 ; Load the second argument into D3
bge Lmul3
neg.l D3 ; Make the second argument positive
neg.l D4 ; Adjust the sign of the result
clr.l D0 ; Clear high word of D0
move.w D2,D0 ; Move low word of first argument
mulu D3,D0 ; Multiply by low word of second arg
move.w D2,D1 ; Save low word of first arg
swap D2 ; Exchange low and high word of arg #1
mulu D3,D2 ; Multiply by low word of arg #2
swap D3 ; Exchange low and high word of arg #2
mulu D3,D1 ; Multiply high word of #2 by low #1
add.l D2,D1 ; Add the partial results
swap D1 ; Swap the low and high of partial ans.
clr.w D1 ; Clear the unneeded low word
add.l D1,D0 ; Add the partial results to get ans.
tst.l D4 ; Test if the result should be negative
bge Lmul4
neg.l D0 ; Change result
move.l D0,8(A6) ; Replace the answer on the stack
movem.l (A7)+,D0-D4 ; Restore the registers
unlk A6
* *
* .lmulu long unsigned multiply (LMU) *
* *
* multiplies two long operands on the stack and returns the *
* result on the stack, along with the second operand. *
* *
XDEF .lmulu
link A6,#0 ; Link the current frame
movem.l D0-D3,-(A7) ; Save the registers
tst.w 8(A6) ; See if we have overflow or simple case
beq LMUTstSecond ;
tst.w 12(A6) ; Possible overflow
bne LMUOverflow ; Uhoh; go deal with it
LMUTough: ; A mixed bag (tougher case)
move.l 8(A6),D2 ; Cache u1.l1 in D2
move.l 12(A6),D3 ; Cache u2.l2 in D3
clr.l D0 ; Prepare to collect result in D0
move.w D2,D0 ; Multiply l1 (in D2) and l2 (in D3)
mulu D3,D0 ;
move.w D2,D1 ; l1 -> D1 and u1 -> D2
swap D2 ;
mulu D3,D2 ; (u1 * l2) -> D2
swap D3 ; u2 -> D3
mulu D3,D1 ; (u2 * l1) -> D1
add.l D2,D1 ; Add the partial results
swap D1 ; Swap into high word where it belongs
tst.w D1 ; Test the low word, H(u2 * l1)
bne LMUOverflow
add.l D1,D0 ; Add the partial results to get ans.
bcc LMUDone
move.l #$FFFFFFFF,D0 ; An alternate response should be to
bra LMUDone ; throw up a SIGFPE.
tst.w 12(A6) ; Check for simple case
bne LMUTough
move.w 10(A6),D0 ; Simple case!
mulu 14(A6),D0 ; Do a half multiply and get outta town
move.l D0,8(A6) ; Replace the answer on the stack
movem.l (A7)+,D0-D3 ; Restore the registers
unlk A6
rts ; Also return answer in D0
* *
* .ldivs long signed divide *
* *
* divides two long operands on the stack and returns the *
* result on the stack, along with the second operand. *
* *
XDEF .ldivs
link A6,#0 ; Link the current frame
movem.l D0,-(A7) ; Save the registers
tst.w 12(A6) ; Test the high word of arg #2
bne.s Ldiv1 ; If not zero do a full divide
move.l 8(A6),D0 ; Test the high word of arg #1
bmi.s Ldiv1 ; If negative do full divide
divu 14(A6),D0 ; Perform the division
bvs.s Ldiv1 ; If overflow then do full divide
and.l #65535,D0 ; Mask the results into 16 bits
move.l D0,8(A6) ; Replace the answer on the stack
movem.l (A7)+,D0 ; Restore the registers
unlk A6
rts ; Return to the caller
movem.l D1-D5,-(A7) ; Save the aux registers
move.l #1,D5 ; Set the sign of the result
move.l 8(A6),D0 ; Load arg #1
bge.s Ldiv2 ; If negative, then
neg.l D0 ; adjust the sign of arg #1
neg.l D5 ; and the result
move.l D0,D3 ; Save arg #1
move.l 12(A6),D1 ; Load arg #2
bge.s Ldiv3 ; If negative, then
neg.l D1 ; adjust the sign of arg #2
neg.l D5 ; and the result
move.l D1,D4 ; Save arg #2
cmp.l #65536,D1 ; If the divisor is bigger than a word
bge.s Ldiv4 ; do the big division algorithm
clr.w D0 ; Clear the low word of arg #1
swap D0 ; Move high word into low word
divu D1,D0 ; Get partial results
move.w D0,D2 ; and Save into reg D2
move.w D3,D0 ; Move low word of arg #1 into D0
divu D1,D0 ; Get more partial results
swap D0 ; Exchange low and high words of result
move.w D2,D0 ; Move low word of partial into D0
swap D0 ; Exchange low and high words
bra.s Ldiv6
lsr.l #1,D0 ; Divide denumerator
lsr.l #1,D1 ; and numerator by 2
cmp.l #65536,D1 ; If still too big then
bge.s Ldiv4 ; repeat
divu D1,D0 ; Perform the division
and.l #65535,D0 ; Mask the results to 16 bits
move.l D0,D2 ; Save the preliminary result
move.l D0,-(A7) ; Test the result by multiplying
move.l D4,-(A7) ; The quoient by the divisor
bsr .lmuls ; Call the multiply routine
move.l (A7)+,D0 ; Retrieve the answer
add.w #4,A7 ; Adjust the stack pointer
cmp.l D0,D3 ; If our guess is too hight
bge.s Ldiv5 ; Then
subq.l #1,D2 ; adjust our guess down
move.l D2,D0 ; Move the results into D0
tst.l D5 ; Test the sign of the result
bge.s Ldiv7 ; If negative
neg.l D0 ; then adjust the result
move.l D0,8(A6) ; Replace the answer on the stack
movem.l (A7)+,D1-D5 ; Restore the aux registers
movem.l (A7)+,D0 ; Restore the registers
unlk A6
rts ; Return to the caller
* *
* .ldivu long unsigned divide (LDU) *
* *
* divides two long operands on the stack and returns the *
* result on the stack, along with the second operand. *
* *
XDEF .ldivu
link A6,#0 ; Link the current frame
movem.l D0,-(A7) ; Save the registers
move.l 8(A6),D0 ; Get the dividend
tst.w 12(A6) ; Test the high word of divisor
bne.s LDULookCloser ; If not zero, then maybe a full divide
divu 14(A6),D0 ; Else it could be real easy
bvs.s LDU32 ; If overflow then do full 32-bits
and.l #65535,D0 ; Mask the results into 16 bits
move.l D0,8(A6) ; Replace the answer on the stack
movem.l (A7)+,D0 ; Restore the registers
unlk A6
rts ; Return to the caller
movem.l D1/D2,-(A7)
move.w 14(A6),D1 ; We'll need the denominator a bit more
moveq.l #0,D2
swap D0
move.w D0,D2
divu D1,D2
move.w D2,8(A6) ; The MSW of the answer
swap D2
move.w D2,D0
swap D0
divu D1,D0
move.w D0,10(A6) ; The LSW of the answer
movem.l (A7)+,D1/D2
bra LDUExit
movem.l D1-D5,-(A7) ; Save the aux registers
move.l 12(A6),D1 ; Load arg #2 (divisor) into D1
cmp.l D1,D0 ; Screen other simple cases
bgt LDULong
beq LDUOne
move.l #0,D0
bra LDUDone
LDUOne move.l #1,D0
bra LDUDone
move.l D0,D5 ; Save the original numerator
move.l D1,D3 ; Save the original denominator
lsr.l #1,D0 ; Divide numerator
lsr.l #1,D1 ; and denomenator by 2
cmp.l #65536,D1 ; If still too big then
bge.s LDULoop ; repeat
divu D1,D0 ; Perform the division
and.l #$FFFF,D0 ; Mask out the remainder
move.l D0,D2 ; Save the preliminary result
move.l D3,-(A7) ; Test the result by multiplying
move.l D2,-(A7)
bsr .lmulu ; Call the multiply routine
move.l (A7)+,D0 ; Retrieve the answer
addq.w #4,A7
cmp.l D5,D0
beq.s LDUGood
blt.s LDUChkRem
subq.l #1,D2
bra.s LDUTest ; Retry test (is this necessary?)
move.l D5,D4
sub.l D0,D4
cmp.l D3,D4 ; If low by the denominator or more
ble.s LDUGood ; Then
addq.l #1,D2 ; adjust our guess up
bra.s LDUTest
move.l D2,D0 ; Move the results into D0
move.l D0,8(A6) ; Replace the answer on the stack
movem.l (A7)+,D1-D5 ; Restore the aux registers
bra LDUExit
* .lmods long signed modulus (remainder)
* Compute the remainder of the two long operands on the stack and
* returns the result on the stack, along with the second operand.
XDEF .lmods
link A6,#0 ; Link the current frame
movem.l D0-D4,-(A7) ; Save the registers
tst.w 12(A6) ; Test the high word of arg #2
bne.s Lmod1 ; If non-zero do a full remainder
move.l 8(A6),D0 ; Test the first argument
bmi.s Lmod1 ; If negative then do a full remainder
divu 14(A6),D0 ; Perform the modulus
bvs.s Lmod1 ; If overflow then do a full remainder
clr.w D0 ; Clear the quotient part
swap D0 ; Swap the remainder into the low word
move.l D0,8(A6) ; Replace the answer on the stack
movem.l (A7)+,D0-D4 ; Restore the registers
unlk A6
rts ; Return to the caller
move.l #1,D4 ; Set the sign of the result
move.l 8(A6),D0 ; Get the first argument
bge.s Lmod2 ; If negative, then
neg.l D0 ; adjust the sign of the argument
neg.l D4 ; and of the result
move.l D0,D2 ; Save the first argument
move.l 12(A6),D1 ; Get the second argument
bge.s Lmod3 ; If negative, then
neg.l D1 ; adjust the sign of the argument
cmp.l #65536,D1 ; If the moduli is to large, then
bge.s Lmod4 ; use the complete algorithm
clr.w D0 ; Clear the low word of arg #1
swap D0 ; Exchange low and high words
divu D1,D0 ; Do division to get partial result
move.w D2,D0 ; Replace low word of arg #1 with arg #2
divu D1,D0 ; Do division to get partial result
clr.w D0 ; Clear the low word
swap D0 ; Exchange low and high words
bra.s Lmod7 ; Exit from this routine
move.l D1,D3 ; Save the second argument
lsr.l #1,D0 ; Divide both the dividend and the
lsr.l #1,D1 ; Quotient by 2 until
cmp.l #65536,D1 ; They both fit in bounds
bge.s Lmod5
divu D1,D0 ; Perform the division
and.l #65535,D0 ; Mask the results to 16 bits
move.l D0,-(A7) ; Multiply the quoient
move.l D3,-(A7) ; By the divisor
bsr .lmuls ; Do the multiply
move.l (A7)+,D0 ; Retreive the results
add.w #4,A7 ; And adjust the stack
cmp.l D0,D2 ; If the product is greater
bcc.s Lmod6 ; Than what we started with, then
sub.l D3,D0 ; subract off the divisor
sub.l D2,D0 ; Get the remainder since we subtracted
neg.l D0 ; backwords, we will just negate the answer
tst.l D4 ; Check the sign of the result
bge.s Lmod8 ; If it should be negative, then
neg.l D0 ; adjust our answer
move.l D0,8(A6) ; Replace the answer on the stack
movem.l (A7)+,D0-D4 ; Restore the registers
unlk A6
rts ; Return to the caller
* .lmodu long unsigned modulus (LMU)
* Compute the remainder of the two long operands on the stack and
* returns the result on the stack, along with the second operand.
XDEF .lmodu
link A6,#0 ; Link the current frame
movem.l D0-D3,-(A7) ; Save the registers
move.l 8(A6),D0 ; Get the base
tst.w 12(A6) ; Test the HIGH word of the modulus
bne.s LMUfull ; If non-zero do a full remainder
divu 14(A6),D0 ; Perform the modulus
bvs.s LMUfull ; If overflow then do a full remainder
clr.w D0 ; Clear the quotient part
swap D0 ; Swap the remainder into the low word
move.l D0,8(A6) ; Replace the answer on the stack
movem.l (A7)+,D0-D3 ; Restore the registers
unlk A6
rts ; Return to the caller
move.l 12(A6),D3 ; Get the ENTIRE modulus
move.l D0,D2 ; Put the base in a safe register
move.l D3,-(A7)
move.l D0,-(A7)
bsr .ldivu ; Leave result on stack and call ...
move.l D3,-(A7)
bsr .lmulu
move.l (A7)+,D1
addq.w #8,A7 ; Restore also from previous funcall
sub.l D1,D2 ; Return base - ((base/modulo)*modulo)
move.l D2,8(A6) ; Replace the answer on the stack
movem.l (A7)+,D0-D3 ; Restore the registers
unlk A6
rts ; Return to the caller
* .cswitch - execute c switch statement
* the switch table is encoded as follows:
* long label1,case1
* long label2,case2
* long label3,case3
* ... for all cases
* long 0,defaultcase
* the case variable is passed in D0
XDEF .cswitch
move.l (A7)+,A0 ;get table address
move.l (A0)+,A1 ;get a label
move.l A1,D1 ;test it for default
beq.s L_sw2 ;jump if default case
cmp.l (A0)+,D0 ;see if this case
bne.s L_sw1 ;next case if not
jmp (A1) ;jump to case
move.l (A0),A0 ;get default address
jmp (A0) ;jump to default case